About The J. Nicholas

‘J. Nicholas’ is a portmanteau of my first and second names: Jacob and Nicholas. This is a forever unique name for a forever unique publication, hence the ‘The’ placed before the name. The original logo of this publication, typed in cursive, was based on my written signature.

Hello newcomer,

You’re reading this because you’re interested in knowing what in the dollar bills this website is. Good going! It’s always good to be curious. Now, to fulfill your curiosity, you’re currently browsing the website with the best-written content on individual stock investing, finance, and the like that you’ll ever come across in your life. Full stop.

When you eventually choose to subscribe, there are a few things you should know.

First: No, if you subscribe, I won’t be selling your info to a data collection agency off the coast of the Bahamas. As a thank you for subscribing (because subscribing is the objectively right decision), I’ve written a brief introduction to this publication for you. I encourage you to take a few minutes to skim through, getting a sense of who I am, why you should care about anything I write, and what to expect to receive once you’re subscribed.

Who am I?

Great question. My name is Jacob. But you can call me Jake, Nick, Joseph, John, Luke, James—whatever works. Pleased to e-meet you.

I’m a young1, enthusiastic investor from The True North (the great country of Canada) following the GARP (Growth at a Reasonable Price) investment strategy with goals to generate 12–15% annualized returns consistently since June 2024. I use a formula of investing in high-quality businesses with accelerating free cash flow per share growth, buying at a medium risk-reward profile, holding them for years as they generate returns. Simply put: I buy high-quality stocks at fair prices using a proprietary valuation model, and hold them for years at a time.

I focus on improving both my own and others’ finances by teaching, learning, and investing in high-quality businesses on the stock market. I do this by writing. Passionately. I only use two platforms, and those are Blossom Social and this blog (Substack). I’m a full-time writer for this newsletter (or blog—both words are synonymous in this context), where I publish free weekly market recaps, free bi-weekly deep dives, and paid bi-weekly due diligence (stock analysis) essays on high-quality stocks. I have an uncomplicated goal: to help as many people as possible grow their knowledge in finance and investing, keep them updated on the markets, teach them the stock research process, and ultimately help them succeed in the complex world of individual stock investing.

I got into the stock market out of curiosity in 2021 by watching simple YouTube videos and reading The Motley Fool, of all places. I observed from the sidelines until April 2023, when I bought my first stock, Apple, and an ETF with the ticker symbol VOO.

This was also when I joined Blossom Social, a place where I’ve continued to grow my knowledge of investing and finance exponentially. From Blossom, I ventured into the world of individual stock investing, and taught myself how to properly research and maintain businesses in a long-term stock portfolio. Blossom remains a place where I embrace the mindset that there’s always more to learn, even as I strive to teach what I’ve already learned, to others. My ultimate goal is to help those who want it: to learn, apply that knowledge, and build an amazing, high-quality, long-term stock portfolio they fully understand, enabling them to achieve their financial goals—just as I’ve done for myself.

I write objectively, focusing on facts and rarely offering biased opinions. My aim is to provide well-researched, easy-to-understand information that readers can choose to implement—or not—based on their own judgement from said facts. I’m a self-educated investor, constantly learning and improving myself—and hopefully others. While I don’t have a formal degree, my experience is based on hands-on learning: putting actual money into the markets, watching it grow, analyzing financial statements, and reading earnings reports—all the while committing to continuous self-improvement and being open to feedback. Procedural knoweldge, not declarative.

Over the years, I’ve gained valuable knowledge, which I’ve applied to hone in on a simple, proven, and effective investment strategy. My journey is a testament to the fact that with dedication, the right mindset, and a passion for learning, it’s possible to achieve success in the world of investing without a gazillion-dollar degree. Investing defined, means consistency, plus dedication, and a willingness to learn. I’d like to admit I have all three of these traits, with a passion for money and the stock market acting as gasoline to the fire.

Writing this newsletter isn’t a way for me to make quick money. I don’t sell courses, and I don’t claim to be someone I’m not: I’m an enthusiast. A passionate, self-taught Canadian investor. An objective, fact-based writer. That’s it.

I learned this all myself—how to profitably invest with real, consistent returns—and I’m proud of it. But knowing I can help other people achieve what I’ve achieved, even faster than I did (with just my willingness to help them do so), doing it in a way that I enjoy greatly, is the ultimate motivator.

Overview of The J. Nicholas

The elephant is seen as a bringer of fortune and wealth. | Source

The J. Nicholas is an informational newsletter created by yours truly, with the goal of teaching others about topics I spent years learning myself. I am no expert in the topics I write about, and I don’t expect you to become one by reading this. However, one thing I know for certain, is you will learn something new. And that is precisely what I intend to do with the email you entrust me.

Here is an overview of The J. Nicholas:

I send out 2 posts per week:

  • 1 deep dive and 1 market recap each week.

  • Every other week, the deep dive is replaced with a detailed stock analysis write-up.

  • The stock analysis is a paywalled post, meaning you need a paid subscription to read it.

    • This post is designed to help you become a better investor by walking through the process of investment research on an overlooked public stock.

Paid Membership Perks:

  • Access to the full paid archive and bi-weekly stock write-ups (stock due diligence essays).

  • 85% off for university/college students (with a valid .edu email).

  • Free access to my paid eBook, How to Analyze Stocks: A Practical Framework (annual plan only).

Why do I charge for this?

If you’d like to try out the paid subscription:

14-day free trial

I invite you to check out my shop, where you’ll find free stock valuation templates and PDFs. Also, consider following me on Blossom Social, where you can view my portfolio and recent trades in real-time, as well as some exclusive posts.

That’s about it. All the best.

— Jacob, author of The J. Nicholas

Disclaimer: All past, present, and future content from this newsletter is not intended as financial advice. While I strive to provide accurate and high-quality information, and generally succeed at doing so, it should be considered as a source of knowledge, not as a recommendation or judgment. Despite the effort put into ensuring the quality of the content, I am not responsible for any financial decisions made based on it. By using this site or subscribing to this newsletter, you agree to the terms of this disclaimer. Your investment decisions are your own and are solely your responsibility.

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Everything about money through the lens of high-quality individual stock investing: detailed stock analyses, write-ups on tech and economics, and weekly market recaps.


Full-time writer. Investing in (and writing about) high-quality businesses yielding 12-15% returns. Finance, econ, and tech nerd.